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The Book

7 Areas of Child Development & Growth

A child is a composite of many different aspects, each of which is a part of the whole process of growth. Neglecting or overlooking any one of these facets of a child’s growing personality will leave an irrevocable dent in the otherwise perfect individual. This book aims to bring forward the development of a child with an overview of the complete holistic approach.

Pre-natal Development

The pre-natal development period extends to about 9 calendar months.

Post-Natal Development

Infancy period extends from birth to eighteen months of age. The child is learning to come to term with its surroundings.

Pre-school Child

Physical development of a body is visible through the obvious changes in height, weight and size of the different parts of the body.

Importance of pre-school

There are two different strongly debated views about the importance of pre-school education for toddlers.

Development of Self Concept

At birth and a few weeks after that, children are not aware about their independent separate existence from their mother. A close bond exists between the infant and its mother.

A few weeks later the infant start holding its own milk bottle and if the grip is lost, it also searches for the bottle, besides learns to direct the nipple to its own mouth. Its journey towards developing self-awareness and self-concept has begun. Adults around the child and many other factors contribute to its development of self-esteem and self-worth. Its adult personality is built on the foundation of this reflection and acceptance of ‘self’.

Complete Book about Child Development by Asha Raja
Complete Book about Child Development by Asha Raja
Complete Book about Child Development by Asha Raja

Development of Creativity

Creativity can be fostered in children through various sources, as follows,
a) Cognitive Resources
b) Personality Resources
c) Motivational resources
d) Environmental Resources

At birth and a few weeks after that, children are not aware about their independent separate existence from their mother.

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7 Areas of Child Development & Growth

Guidelines For Modern Age Teachers & Parents

Text book for Students of P.G. ECCE/ ECCE/ K.G./ Pre-School

This book is a source of invaluable knowledge for the holistic development of children. Every parent, teacher and other child-care providers can use it for guidelines and as reference at every stage of child development while working and supporting the growth of their wards.